Should you use more than one Skin Cream?

Age and environmental pollutants can strip the vitality from our skin, leaving it saggy and wrinkled. Putting back this lost vitality is the key to making your skin look and feel younger. Our skin does so much for us, isn’t time that we did something nice for it. A good skin cream is the ideal way to do just that.

Finding the right type of cream is essential to giving back that lost vitality to your skin. There are many types of creams, but they fall into two basic categorizes. Here are the types and their description.

Day Cream

During the day the skin is subject to a variety types of damage from makeups, UV rays, environmental stresses and pollutants. Skin cream for use during the day is designed to focus on support and protection.

Day creams are intended to be worn under other cosmetics. That is why they have a non greasy, light formula that is absorbed quickly while allowing the pores to breath. This provides a smooth and oil free canvas that allows foundation to be applied on smoothly.

Some boast of having anti aging properties, but most daytime creams are often light on certain chemicals like retinoids and alpha-hydroxy acids because these chemicals have a tendency to cause the skin to become more sensitive to UV rays. Other reasons include, to many active compounds in any one product can reduce their effect.

Day Creams Contain

    - SPF is added prevent photo aging and burning of the skin.
    - Antioxidants that are designed to fight free radicals.
    - Caffeine is included to make your skin look firm and energized.

Night Cream

The heavy lifting is done by the skin at night. Like the other parts of the body, the skin does most of its restoring, regenerating and repairing while we sleep. That is why skin creams that are designed for the night focus on recovery and moisture.

They are known to contain some of the most powerful and slow absorbing moisturizers. These moisturizers are designed to penetrate the skin over the course of multiple hours. Because there is little to no worry about sun exposure, they contain the highest known concentrations of anti aging chemicals like glycolic acid, hyaluronic acid and retinol, which can do their job without being interfered by sunscreen.

Should I use both?

There is a big difference between day cream and night creams, both in purpose and texture. It’s not recommended that you use both at the same time, but it is recommended that you use both. Just use them at the right time of day. Together they will provide you skin the protection it needs during the day and the night. If that is what your skin needs, I suggest you give it the protection that it requires.

Skin cream is the perfect way to take care of your skin. It will add luster and glow, making your skin healthier by getting rid of wrinkles and fine lines. We all want great skin and now you can have what you want.

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Should you use more than one Skin Cream? Should you use more than one Skin Cream? Reviewed by Gradoa on 8:42 PM Rating: 5

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