Cat Dental Care Products – Keep that Fresh Breath

Your feline friend may only eat kibbles and chew toys, but he still needs sharp, clean teeth and gums that are healthy.  Damage to cat’s tongues, teeth and gums can lead to a possibility of health risks.  I’ve come up with some tips and cat dental care products for you to keep those pearly whites clean and healthy.

Test the Breath

I suggest you take a sniff of your cat’s breath from time to time and make sure it is not overly foul smelling.  If it is, there could be digestive problems or gum conditions.  Get this examined by your vet!

Lip Check up

Gently push back your cat’s lips and make sure that they are firm and pink.  White or red are colors to watch out for, as well as signs of swelling.  Teeth should be tartar free and not be loose or broken.

Swelling…Not Good

Get a veterinary exam at the first sight of swelling.  My neighbor had a cat that had a rather bad infection in the lips and he did not even notice because he never checked the mouth.  Gum diseases can lead to tooth loss and the inability for your cat to eat.  Make sure to get a check up with your veterinarian right away if you notice swelling.

Tooth-Brushing Kit

For this, all you require are cotton swabs and a small tooth brush and toothpaste for felines.  Salt water can also work if you do not want to go buy cat formulated toothpaste.  DO NOT USE HUMAN TOOTHPASTE.

Scrub a dub- dub

Steps for brightening those teeth:

  • Gently massage your cat’s gums with your fingers to get your cat used to the brushing idea
  • After a few gum massages, dab some cat toothpaste on her lips to get her used to the taste
  • Introduce your cat-designed toothbrush by gently massaging the bristles on the gums
  • Lastly, apply toothpaste to your feline’s gums and gently brush her teeth at least once a week.

Chew Toys!

An easy way to maintain clean teeth is to look for cat chew toys.  These are designed to help floss the teeth, massage gums and scrape away tartar.

Cat Dental Care Products – Keep that Fresh Breath Cat Dental Care Products – Keep that Fresh Breath Reviewed by Gradoa on 2:40 PM Rating: 5

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