Energy Boosting Foods For Weight Loss

To help your metabolism working in top shape, be sure you eat breakfast. Our brains need a boost of glucose boost in the morning. We can’t lose weight long term if we aren’t eating correctly. High fiber cereals that are low in fats and sugars are the best, oats is really good, I add it to my muesli mix – it’s low on GI, poached eggs are great protein, bananas, wholemeal toast, Fresh juice, herbal or Green teas the best.

Although I usually use a good leaf tea. The “good oils” or Omega 3s in our diet are needed, and I like my cereals with nuts, natural seeds like sunflower and pumpkin added. Smoothies are quick and nutritious when you want to get out the door fast! I use these often and find them convenient and nutritional for the teenagers running late for school!

Try to eat some raw vegetables and fruits when having a snack, or when getting home exhausted after a long day out. Snack on a carrot, cucumber or apple while preparing the night meal to give you an instant energy rush.

Trans fatty acids linked now to weight gain and cardiovascular heart disease are definite baddies, and therefore must be reduced where possible. They can make us sluggish, without energy, bloated and with higher cholesterol! Trying a drink of natural Lemon juice as a starter in the morning has great energy boosting effects. It is also a strong digestion aid. Some of my favorites healthy, energy boosting food choices are – Avocados, Oranges, different berries, bananas, sweet potato, spinach, herbs.

Yogurt and honey are also good energy boosters. Vegetables, lean meat, fish, fruits grains and legumes are all required, so if you can, try to mix them up a bit so your taste buds won’t get bored. I enjoy alfalfa sprouts, mung bean combos and sardines (in spring water) for lunches when I need to stay alert! At evening time, some fruit and natural pro biotic yogurt is good in a small portion. Don’t forget water, it is so important for our well being, health and skin. Try to snack on raw vegetables, nuts and seeds and stay away from the processed foods for improved energy levels.

Energy boosting Supplements and vitamin supplements are beneficial if you are against time preparing the right foods to eat, especially at night. Use these supplements in combination with food examples above for maximum effect. Remember, variety is the spice of life!

Energy Boosting Foods For Weight Loss Energy Boosting Foods For Weight Loss Reviewed by Gradoa on 10:26 AM Rating: 5

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